About the trainer
“Angela has been providing bespoke training to our Production teams over the last couple of years. Her insightful approach is to take time to understand the organisation she is working with, explore the challenges and tailor her sessions to our needs. I have valued the time she takes to become familiar with the company, as the employees really sense the personal tone instead of an 'out of the box' programme. The consideration she shows to the participants, and feedback informing her ongoing development of the courses has been very measured. Cannot recommend highly enough.”
Angela works with the owners, managers and teams of creative agencies, production and post-production companies and animation and VFX studios. Much of this work is based on highly interactive, positive, purposeful, and participatory workshops, helping individuals and leaders to grow, prosper and achieve their ambitions. We run online and in-person courses, bespoke training sessions, public seminars, and Workshops.
Angela has run Workshops on:
· Developing effective client relationship and negotiating skills for post and VFX
· Leading effective teams in post and VFX
· Effective communication skills
· Value Proposition development
· Effective pitching
· Effective brief-taking
· Building client relationships
· Effective account management
· Effective business development
· Effective networking
· Finance for production managers & producers
She has delivered bespoke face-to-face and online courses for studios including Framestore (in UK and Canada) Industrial Light and Magic, Little Dot Studios and Brown Bag Films.
Job titles of participants on courses include Booking Coordinator, Line Producer, Production Coordinator, Production Manager, Production Assistant, Head of Post, Post Producer, Executive Producer, VFX Coordinator, VFX Line Producer, CG Line Producer, Scheduling and Planning Coordinator, VFX Line Producer, VFX Producer, VFX Bidding Producer, VFX Production Coordinator, Associate VFX Producer, Junior VFX Producer, VFX PA, Senior Producer, Bidding Producer and MD.
Work with ScreenSkills
Angela has been re-commissioned numerous times to run courses for ScreenSkills, the industry-led skills body for the screen industries – film, television (including children's, unscripted and high-end), VFX (visual effects), animation and games.
To date, versions of Angela’s ‘Developing Effective Client Relationship and Negotiating Skills Courses been delivered to over 320 people in post and VFX from across the UK. It has been re-commissioned a number of times because of word to mouth recommendation and demand.
Further courses researched, created and delivered for ScreenSkills have included:
· Career progression in post and VFX
· Leading distributed team in post and VFX
· Leading effective teams in post and VFX.
Comments on the courses
‘Amazing session, Angela was very clear and concise as well as making your opinions feel valid and important. Thank you ScreenSkills.’
‘Extremely useful course - great to learn about new techniques to help manage client expectations and developed some very clear advice about how I can build upon my existing skills.’
‘Thank you so much for everything today! I thought the course made really good points - especially on clarifying the validity of your bid / proposal and the use of comparative examples.’
‘A really informative session with lots of useful information about negotiation that most people wouldn't think of’
‘Thank you so much for the course it's been really helpful. I found talking to people who have experienced the same challenges really useful, and the structure of your course was great. It is really helpful - a great course.’
‘fantastic to see so many smart woman working in VFX on the course collaborating and inspiring each other.’
‘Just wanted to say today's session was absolutely fantastic. I've got to say I've done quite a lot of training with ScreenSkills, but this one was one of the few I have found very focused on VFX and even the group that came together seemed like they were all in very similar roles which is great. I would totally recommend this course not just to any VFX producer or coordinator but also to artists who quite often sit with the client in the room. It has been extremely useful, and I am already applying what I've learnt ASAP like from this afternoon.’
‘Really thorough course. Came away with a lot of things to practice and pass on to other colleagues as well.’
‘It has been useful to discuss ways to manage challenging situations both with clients and with our teams internally. The course was so good. Very clear and engaging.’
‘A really great course with valuable insight tailored to post-production which is really hard to find in other training. Angela was a great teacher, and it was a lovely opportunity to speak with other people in similar jobs.’
‘Loved the course. Taking lots of tips from this and making me feel more confident!’
‘Very useful session. Great mix of listening and participation. It was a very good course I definitely got good take-away actions from it. Really enjoyed interacting and learning from peer group.’
Everything we do is designed to start at participant's current level of understanding; to build their confidence and empower them to develop and adapt their practice.
Our training is rooted in real world experiences that participants can recognise and relate to. In this way we harness strengths, share knowledge, and support the development of skills and ambitions.
We use a constructivist approach. This means our role is to pose questions, problems, and challenges, then guide participants to find answers. It is a highly interactive and engaging process. (No boring power point; no rote learning of concepts or processes!)
Building on their real-world experiences, we help participants to make meaningful connections between new material and previous experience, to discover their own strengths and authentic style and to develop positive outcomes. Open-ended questions such as "Tell me about a time when…" enable participants to think about the ways that new information may relate to their own experience. Such questions are opportunities for experiencing the perspectives of others.
Our highly participatory and interactive format means our Workshops are also a great opportunity to network, develop team-work skills and learn from each other.